Babysitter gets honest about what it is like watching your kids, from parenting habits to personal life.
Introducing Me Before I Babysit Them
If I am going to babysit your kids for the first time, then you should consider inviting me over so that I can get to meet your kids while you are home. If it’s not possible, then sow the kid a picture of more (I can send you one). This is going to make the kid feel more comfortable before leaving me with them alone.
Sticking With Quick Goodbyes
For kids with separation anxiety, as soon as they start crying as you leave, hurry up and get out. Coming back and giving your kid a kiss or soothe before going will makes things worse and prolong the crying. The child will stop crying once you are gone. Kids usually calm down after a few minutes (you can have me text you once they stop crying if that will make you feel better).
Leaving a List of Important Information
It is hard for someone to remember everything they heard, especially when done in 5 minutes before leaving. The better option is writing down important information. This should include their full bedtime routine, emergency phone numbers, house rules (can the kids use the iPad, can they eat in the family room?), how to use the TV remove, where to find things like extra toilet paper. Make sure the WiFi password is included.
In most cases, we don’t care about the time you come home
Take your time when you are at work or at a social event – that means more pay for me. If you are going to be late, make sure you give me a heads up because it is good to know. There was a time where I had to babysit the whole night because the parents were out, and I still had a job booked for the morning.
Snacks Are One of the Best Aspects of Babysitting
If you want to make the sitter happy, then make sure they have something apart from organic apple sauce and kale chips to snack on. Just let me know whether it is okay for me to help myself.
Money Is the Bottom Line
As much as I may like and even love your kids, the fact is I am doing all this work for money. If you give me a tip and pay me well after babysitting, then I am going to feel loyal to your family. The next time you need a babysitter, I’ll be more likely to say yes. Sometimes dealing with extra taxes, deductions, wages and such can be over whelming, consider nanny payroll services to keep you updated on on track with finances.
The Payment Needs to Be Ready Before I Get There
There are times when parents don’t have the cash and are forced to raid their kid’s piggy banks and wallets to pay me.
If you want me to the laundry…
… make sure you know what is in the hamper first. There was a time I babysat for a Dad and found brightly coloured briefs in the hamper.
I Hate When Kids Have Very Late Bedtimes
You most likely want to make out the most from what you pay, but your 3-year kid having a 9 p.m. bedtime is not a good idea. The child is going to be cranky in the morning and will ruin your day.
When the child is having a tantrum…
… I prefer staying calm, getting down to their level, then talking to them very softly. They usually quiet down to hear what it is I am saying.
Stop Coddling
Let your kid cry out in the crib. If the child doesn’t like what you are serving, do not cook her a separate meal. You never give in when they whine.