Osteotherapy for Musculoskeletal Problems

Based on the principle that the human body’s well being depends on how well the muscles, ligaments, connective tissues, and bones of the body function together smoothly, Osteopathy is a one way of treating certain health problems related to the musculoskeletal system. Osteotherapy is a great way to detect, treat, and prevent health problems and uses movement, massage, and stretching of the muscles and joints to increase mobility. If you are looking for counselling & hypnotherapy Hampshire please see Hartwood Health.

What is the Aim of Osteopathy?
Osteopaths make use of physical manipulation in the form of massage, manual manipulation, and stretching in order to:

• Increase mobility in joints
• Increase blood supply to tissues
• Relief muscle tension
• Assist the body to heal itself

Osteopathy in the UK is a health profession that is regulated by law. Osteopaths use a range of techniques in their profession to help heal specific conditions but they do not make use of drugs or surgery during treatments.
Although osteopaths may sometimes make use of conventional medical techniques, they always base their work on scientific evidence.

What Happens When You Visit an Osteopath?

When do you need an Osteopath?
Most people visit an Osteopath for conditions that affect their joints, muscles, or bones such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Shoulder and elbow pain such as tennis elbow
  • Uncomplicated neck pain (as opposed to pain after whiplash injury)
  • Arthritis pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Conditions of the hips, pelvis, or legs
  • Joint and muscle pain associated with work, pregnancy or driving a vehicle

Pregnant women should first seek the advice of their medical practitioner and midwife before having osteopathic treatment. Make sure that the osteopath you plan to visit specialises in joint and muscle pain in pregnancy.

At present there is not enough good evidence to support the claims that osteopathy can successfully treat the above-mentioned conditions.

Does it Work?
The NICE (National Institute for Health & Care Excellence) recommends the use of exercise together with manual therapy as a treatment option for conditions such as lower back pain with or without pain caused by sciatica.

Limited evidence exists to suggest that osteopathy may be an effective treatment for conditions related to the musculoskeletal system (bones and muscles).

More evidence on osteopathy

Accessing Osteopathy
Even though osteopathy treatment is not widely available on NHS, your local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) or GP should be able to advise you on where you can obtain treatment.
Most people make use of private clinics and pay personally for osteotherapy. Costs for treatments can vary and range from £35 to £50 for each 30 – 40-minute treatment session. Most private health insurance policies provide osteopatherapy cover as an option.

What to Expect from an Osteopathic Visit
Only professionals registered with the GOC (General Osteopathic Council) are allowed to practice osteopathy or call themselves osteopaths.

During your first visit you will be asked questions about your general health, your symptoms, and any medical care you may be undergoing before the osteopath carries out a full physical examination.

During an osteopathy treatment session, the osteopath will use his/her hands to detect any areas of tenderness weakness, strain, or restriction that may be present in your body. Particular attention will be paid to the spinal area.

You may be asked for your consent to remove any items of clothing that may restrict the area from being examined properly. The osteopath may ask you to perform certain simple movements to assist in the examination.

After a thorough examination the osteopath will be in a better position to discuss with you whether osteopatherapy can help treat your condition and if so, what a treatment programme for your particular problem will involve.